A Land Beyond Xpectations

Over one hundred fifty years ago, a man wrote about his quest that took him to a place where he would discover how life evolved thousands of years ago. Travel with me as we follow in his footsteps and discover a land that is inhabited by species that can be found nowhere else on earth.
Our destination is an archipelago of volcanic islands near the equator in the Pacific Ocean. We are met by a team of naturalists who transport us by Zodiacs to our waiting ship, Celebrity Xpedition.
Every day of this seven-day voyage, we make at least two stops to explore the various islands in the archipelago. The terrain varies from sandy beaches to volcanic rock expanses. The staff has prepared a series of medium and high intensity activities for each location.
During our explorations we see male Frigate birds with extended red throat pouches attracting the females, courting Blue-footed Boobies, flightless cormorants, albatrosses, sea lions, fur seals, penguins, whales, several species of Marine and Land Iguanas, Green Sea Turtles, Giant Tortoises, and many other species too numerous to list here. In all cases, we are not seeing these species in cages or man-made pools, but rather in their natural setting. We observe them from a short distance away, while respecting their habitat. The team of naturalists are responsible for the conservation of this environment and our enrichment at the same time.
If you have not guessed by now, the man who has gone before us is Charles Darwin who visited these Galapagos Islands and was inspired to write his work 'On the Origin of Species'. The Galapagos Marine Reserve, one of the world's largest protected areas, has more than 2,900 reported marine species and over 1,896 live nowhere else on earth. Click on the image below for a Diary of our Celebrity Xpeditions Galapagos adventure. Contact us to plan a memorable Galapagos Xpedition.
Diary of Celebrity Xpeditions Galapagos